A Visit to Select Roses: Behind the Scenes with Brad Jalbert

A Visit to Select Roses: Behind the Scenes with Brad Jalbert

Recently, I had the privilege of visiting Select Roses, the renowned nursery owned and operated by celebrated rose breeder Brad Jalbert. Brad is not only a local legend in British Columbia but also a globally recognized figure in the world of rose breeding. His roses are distributed by leading nurseries worldwide, including in the United…

Propagating Roses at Home: A Simple and Effective Method Using Everyday Items

Propagating Roses at Home: A Simple and Effective Method Using Everyday Items

If you’ve ever dreamed of growing roses from cuttings, this straightforward method shared by Jason from Fraser Valley Rose Farm could be your answer. Whether you’re starting with roses in your garden or a potted rose from the store, this propagation technique uses simple household items like a milk jug and toilet paper rolls to…

Simple List of Roses (already planted) on the Farm

Abbaye de ClunyAbraham DarbyAlba MeidilandAlba SauveolensAlbertineAlchemistAlfred ColombAlfred de DalmasAlister Stella GrayAlohaAltissimoAnisley DIcksonAnn BoleynApricot ClementineApricot TwistArcanumArdoisee de LyonArthur BellAustrian CopperAutumn DamaskAutumn SunsetBaby MasqueradeBallerinaBaltimore BelleBarkaroleBaron Girod de l’AinBaronne Edmond de RothschildBees KneesBelinda’s DreamBella di TodiBelle AmourBelle de CrecyBentley’s BeautyBetsy SinclairBetty WillBill ReidBlack CaviarBlack JadeBlanc Double de CoubertBleu MagentaBlush NoisetteBlushing LucyBonicaBoule de NeigeBrilliant Pink IcebergBuff BeautyBurnet Double PinkButtercupCafe…

Winter Garden Plants

Winter Garden Plants

For the front garden, we decided on a fairly tight theme: plants chosen for their fall and winter features. You might think that this plan would feel restrictive or limiting, but I actually found it to inspire my creativity. I started by ordering a few varieties of willow, with their colorful winter stems. That led…