Rosa ‘Alchymist’ in 2 Gallon Pot
$40.00This is a climber with apricot & pink blooms in a complex blend. Large flowers with a strong fragrance. Vigorous, hardy and disease resistant.
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This is a climber with apricot & pink blooms in a complex blend. Large flowers with a strong fragrance. Vigorous, hardy and disease resistant.
Rosa ‘Gros Choux d’Hollande’, also known as the Great Cabbage of Holland, is a historic Bourbon rose with a bushy, upright habit. This rose features very double, globular blooms in a soft pink color that are highly fragrant. The flowers appear in small clusters and are most prolific in the spring, but the plant continues…
This Canadian bred rose (aka Victorian Memory), is known for its exceptional qualities as a very hardy, fragrant climbing rose. The cupped blooms display a range of pink shades from pale to deep. These blooms are displayed in large clumps of hanging clusters
Not a typical miniature rose – vigorous, large & climbing. While the flowers are individually small, the whole shrub blooms in impressive clusters.
Rosa ‘Lady Ashe’ is a hardy climbing rose that can also be grown as a shrub, featuring fully double blooms in shades of peachy pink and apricot. This exceptionally fragrant rose grows 8 – 10 feet tall and has shiny, deep green foliage, offering excellent disease resistance and blooming in flushes throughout the season.
The ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’ rose, a Noisette class variety bred by Joseph Schwartz in 1875, is known for its climbing habit and large, very double blooms. These flowers are cream with light pink shading and salmon-yellow highlights, offering a medium fragrance. The blooms have an average diameter of 4 inches and appear continuously throughout the…
Rosa ‘Secret Garden Musk Climber’ is a vigorous, disease-resistant hybrid musk climber with medium, single white blooms that emit a strong clove and sweet fragrance. This variety blooms continuously throughout the season, reaches a height of 2-3.65 meters (6.5-12 feet)
Classic bourbon rose in delicate light pink – very graceful.
Velvety dark red (almost purple) blooms on this hybrid perpetual climber. Excellent sweet scent. Does best with afternoon shade and a little pampering.
Native rose to BC. It bears bright pink flowers with a strong fragrance in late spring through early summer followed by plentiful hips. Spreads underground to form somewhat of a thicket if allowed. Best for natural gardens or used as a barrier.