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Do you like your roses subtle and graceful? This isn’t one of those. ‘Altissimo’ pounds out a big red exclamation point every time it blooms, and that’s often. It’s late October as I write this post, and ‘Altissimo’ is happily blooming away in the greenhouse. How do I sell you a rose like this one?…
Simple List of Roses (already planted) on the Farm
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Spring tidy and fertilizing
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Rosa glauca
One of the great things about this species rose is that it’s attractive for more than one feature. The rose goes by more than one species name, the other common one being Rosa rubrifolia. Sometimes the latin name will reveal something about the plant, and in these two names, there’s a bit of a contradiction:…
Species roses
How do species roses compare to the ones hybridized for gardens and cutting? Very different, but beautiful in their own way, I’d answer. Have a look at one of our native roses, Rosa woodsii: It has <gasp> only five petals. Calm yourself. This isn’t a mistake. The garden has one set of rules, and nature…