Rosa ‘Black Caviar’ in 2 Gallon Pot
$40.00Exceptionally dark blooms can be nearly black in bud when the season is cool. Tightly packed petals. Dark green foliage.
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Exceptionally dark blooms can be nearly black in bud when the season is cool. Tightly packed petals. Dark green foliage.
Photos can’t do justice to the textured streaks on the deep red petals, giving the blooms the look of velvet.
Hybrid Spinosissima Rose Breeder: S.G.A. Doorenbos Year Introduced: Circa 1950 (Netherlands) Description: Rosa ‘Doorenbos Selection’ is a dark red Hybrid Spinosissima rose known for its single, cluster-flowered blooms, featuring 4-8 petals. It blooms once in the spring or summer and is notable for its vigorous growth habit, sending out runners and suckers on its own…
The color of this rose is intense – crimson red with a lighter reverse of petals. Strongly scented
A robust, deciduous shrub that can also be trained as a climber and can grow to a height of 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 meters). This makes it a versatile plant that can be used in various garden settings, including borders, hedges, or as a standalone specimen. Its nearly thornless stems and lush,…
This charming miniature features cherry red, 5 petaled blooms withe white centers and yellow stamens. Blooms in flushes throughout the season and has no shortage of blossoms. Reaches a height of up to 20″. Bred by Ralph S. Moore of the US.
‘Liebeszauber ™’ rose, also known as ‘Love’s Magic’, is a Hybrid Tea variety bred by W. Kordes & Sons in 1991. It features dark red blooms with a strong, rose fragrance and an average diameter of 4.25 inches. The blooms are very full and high-centered, typically appearing in flushes throughout the season. This tall, spreading,…
This rose variety features very large, high-centered blooms with an average diameter of 2.5 inches. The flowers are primarily white with striking red/pink edges, containing 35 petals each. The blooms are mostly borne solitarily, adding an exhibition quality to the plant. ‘Magic Carrousel’ blooms recurrently in flushes throughout the season, ensuring a continuous display of…
Rosa ‘Monsieur Tillier’ is a vigorous tea rose with large, loosely formed, scalloped, coppery-pink blooms that emit a mild fragrance. It blooms continuously throughout the season and grows to a height and spread of about 120-150 cm (4-5 feet).
The rosa ‘Nelson Mandela’ is a tribute to the former South African president and global icon of peace and reconciliation. This rose variety is renowned for its striking blooms and robust growth. Can make a lovely cut flower. Description: Bloom Color: Bright red with a velvety texture, symbolizing passion and strength. Bloom Form: Large, full,…
This unique found rose, categorized under the Lawranceana variety as a miniature type, showcases an alluring color palette of crimson to rose-red with a striking white center. It is particularly cherished for its compact size and vibrant blooms. The flowers of this rose are notable for their large bloom form, despite the individual blooms having…
The ‘Olympiad’ rose, recognized for its stunningly vibrant red blooms, is a hybrid tea variety that has been celebrated for its beauty and garden performance. This rose showcases long-lasting flowers, each spanning 4 to 5 inches across, with 30 to 35 velvety petals, arranged in perfect, high-centered double blooms that exude a light fragrance….