20 of the Most Fragrant Roses to Add to Your Garden

20 of the Most Fragrant Roses to Add to Your Garden

Roses are celebrated for their beauty and fragrance, and selecting varieties with the most alluring scents can take your garden to the next level. Jason from Fraser Valley Rose Farm shares his top picks for fragrant roses, highlighting their diverse colors, growth habits, and distinctive scents. While roses share an underlying “rose” fragrance, their scents…

Simple List of Roses (already planted) on the Farm

Abbaye de ClunyAbraham DarbyAlba MeidilandAlba SauveolensAlbertineAlchemistAlfred ColombAlfred de DalmasAlister Stella GrayAlohaAltissimoAnisley DIcksonAnn BoleynApricot ClementineApricot TwistArcanumArdoisee de LyonArthur BellAustrian CopperAutumn DamaskAutumn SunsetBaby MasqueradeBallerinaBaltimore BelleBarkaroleBaron Girod de l’AinBaronne Edmond de RothschildBees KneesBelinda’s DreamBella di TodiBelle AmourBelle de CrecyBentley’s BeautyBetsy SinclairBetty WillBill ReidBlack CaviarBlack JadeBlanc Double de CoubertBleu MagentaBlush NoisetteBlushing LucyBonicaBoule de NeigeBrilliant Pink IcebergBuff BeautyBurnet Double PinkButtercupCafe…

The Scots Rose

The Scots Rose

The earliest roses to bloom in my landscape are the Scots roses and their close relatives. These remarkable roses deserve a proper introduction—though you might want to skip the handshake, given their thorny nature. At the heart of this group is the species rose Rosa spinosissima. Native to the British Isles, northern and western Europe,…

Thornless roses

Thornless roses

As I write this post on roses and thorns, I have a song stuck in my head. I wish I were classy enough to instead be reflecting on one of these famous quotes on the topic: Anne Bronte wrote “But he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose” and Alphonse Carr…

Altissimo revisited

‘Altissimo’ was flowering early this season – and that’s when I first wrote about this distinctive rose. The trick is that ‘Altissimo’ never stopped blooming. When selecting roses for the local farmer’s market, I had a hard time not bringing this rose every week. The individual flowers don’t last too long, but the rose reblooms so quickly and…

Distant Drums

Griffith Buck bred this rose as part of his program to create a class of roses that had large flowers like the hybrid tea or grandiflora roses, but were more resistant to disease. While he may have made progress towards that goal, this rose is notable for one reason: the colour. Depending on the weather,…

Charles de Mills

This Gallica rose is old, but no one can say for certain how old it is. It has persisted in gardens since at least the 1800’s and is often listed as a favorite rose of people who love the form and scent of old garden roses. You really have to give it to the breeders…