Showing all 4 results

  • Rosa alchymist 2019 06 04 5609

    Rosa ‘Alchymist’ in 2 Gallon Pot


    This is a climber with apricot & pink blooms in a complex blend. Large flowers with a strong fragrance. Vigorous, hardy and disease resistant.

  • Gros chous de hollande website pic

    Rosa ‘Gros Choux d’Hollande’ in 2 Gallon Pot


    Rosa ‘Gros Choux d’Hollande’, also known as the Great Cabbage of Holland, is a historic Bourbon rose with a bushy, upright habit. This rose features very double, globular blooms in a soft pink color that are highly fragrant. The flowers appear in small clusters and are most prolific in the spring, but the plant continues…

  • Rosa mme hardy 2017 05 31 1767

    Rosa ‘Madame Hardy’ in 2 gallon pot


    Pale pink in bud, but the blooms are purest white with a distinctive green eye. This is a damask rose with a heavenly scent. One-blooming in late spring, but bears so many flowers they can bend the pliable canes to arch back to the ground.  

  • Rosa nutkana 07513

    Rosa nutkana in 2 Gallon Pot


    Native rose to BC. It bears bright pink flowers with a strong fragrance in late spring through early summer followed by plentiful hips. Spreads underground to form somewhat of a thicket if allowed. Best for natural gardens or used as a barrier.