Fraser Valley Rose Guide

The Fraser Valley is a Great Place to Grow Roses Our coastal climate provides comparatively mild winters compared to the rest of Canada. Plentiful soil moisture in spring offers newly planted roses a solid start. The long bright days of summer encourage strong and repeated blooming. Individual garden sites will vary, but in general the…

Simple List of Roses (already planted) on the Farm

Abbaye de ClunyAbraham DarbyAlba MeidilandAlba SauveolensAlbertineAlchemistAlfred ColombAlfred de DalmasAlister Stella GrayAlohaAltissimoAnisley DIcksonAnn BoleynApricot ClementineApricot TwistArcanumArdoisee de LyonArthur BellAustrian CopperAutumn DamaskAutumn SunsetBaby MasqueradeBallerinaBaltimore BelleBarkaroleBaron Girod de l’AinBaronne Edmond de RothschildBees KneesBelinda’s DreamBella di TodiBelle AmourBelle de CrecyBentley’s BeautyBetsy SinclairBetty WillBill ReidBlack CaviarBlack JadeBlanc Double de CoubertBleu MagentaBlush NoisetteBlushing LucyBonicaBoule de NeigeBrilliant Pink IcebergBuff BeautyBurnet Double PinkButtercupCafe…